A Most Lovely Week: birthdays, Food for Thought and rain.
Thursday night, we're hosting our first birthday party at Cherry Street Tavern.
Food as a verb thanks
for sponsoring this series

Owner (and legend) Marty Bohannon and chef Jocelyn Kernahan are working up a special menu sourced from Wednesday's Main Street Farmers' Market.
Nathan Wasserman and our old friend Matt Downer are playing.
The rich menu and bar. (We take as much pride in our menu as our stage, Marty told me.) The full-flavored music. And the atmosphere. (Cherry Street's my favorite, one friend said this week.)
It's all lining up to be the finest of nights.
The only thing missing?
We'd love - as in: really, really love - to see our Food as a Verb community this Thursday night. It's drop-in; come and go as you please. Doors open at 5pm. You're welcome to last-call shut the place down.
We say it often: you all mean the world.
Let's celebrate one year together.

Wednesday night, a new and highly original art exhibit opens.
Several months ago, Ann Treadwell called. The Jewish Federation of Greater Chattanooga's program director, Ann is creative, inventive and agrarian; she comes from a farming family up North.
Our work resonated big-time with her.
She had this idea.
Can we select a dozen or so stories? Then, can we pull out one particularly favorite quote from each?
For example: the Nooga Honey Pot profile and this fab-quote from Carmen Joyce as we watched a honeybee hive form:
Feel it. Feel what they are doing. Feel the wind.
Then, once we'd assembled a dozen or so Food as a Verb quotes, Ann put out a call for artists from across the world whose artwork matched our quotes.
Unclear? She explains this process well in the recent episode of Scenic Roots.
Tonight, the Food for Thought exhibit opens; Ann has curated stunning artwork to match Food as a Verb quotes from stories which are accessed via QR code.
A reception begins at 5.30 pm at the Jewish Federation (5461 North Terrace Road).
- Two small corrections: recently, I wrote that Reagan broke his chewing tobacco addiction with jelly beans. Not true. He smoked tobacco.
Finally, as the rain begins to fall in Chattanooga, here's Wendell Berry from his essay "Drought (1944)", which, last week, I incorrectly suggested was written in 1944. (That would make him 10, one reader said.)
Well, if anyone could write like that at 10, it'd be him.
Have a really lovely week, everyone.

All photography by Sarah Unger (sarah@foodasaverb.com)
All design by Alex DeHart
All words by David Cook (david@foodasaverb.com)
Story ideas, questions, feedback? Interested in partnering with us? Email: david@foodasaverb.com
This story is 100% human generated; no AI chatbot was used in the creation of this content.
food as a verb thanks our sustaining partner:
food as a verb thanks our story sponsor:
Divine Goods

Beautifully Curated Gifts for All
Owner (and legend) Marty Bohannon and chef Jocelyn Kernahan are working up a special menu sourced from Wednesday's Main Street Farmers' Market.
Nathan Wasserman and our old friend Matt Downer are playing.
The rich menu and bar. (We take as much pride in our menu as our stage, Marty told me.) The full-flavored music. And the atmosphere. (Cherry Street's my favorite, one friend said this week.)
It's all lining up to be the finest of nights.
The only thing missing?
We'd love - as in: really, really love - to see our Food as a Verb community this Thursday night. It's drop-in; come and go as you please. Doors open at 5pm. You're welcome to last-call shut the place down.
We say it often: you all mean the world.
Let's celebrate one year together.

Wednesday night, a new and highly original art exhibit opens.
Several months ago, Ann Treadwell called. The Jewish Federation of Greater Chattanooga's program director, Ann is creative, inventive and agrarian; she comes from a farming family up North.
Our work resonated big-time with her.
She had this idea.
Can we select a dozen or so stories? Then, can we pull out one particularly favorite quote from each?
For example: the Nooga Honey Pot profile and this fab-quote from Carmen Joyce as we watched a honeybee hive form:
Feel it. Feel what they are doing. Feel the wind.
Then, once we'd assembled a dozen or so Food as a Verb quotes, Ann put out a call for artists from across the world whose artwork matched our quotes.
Unclear? She explains this process well in the recent episode of Scenic Roots.
Tonight, the Food for Thought exhibit opens; Ann has curated stunning artwork to match Food as a Verb quotes from stories which are accessed via QR code.
A reception begins at 5.30 pm at the Jewish Federation (5461 North Terrace Road).
- Two small corrections: recently, I wrote that Reagan broke his chewing tobacco addiction with jelly beans. Not true. He smoked tobacco.
Finally, as the rain begins to fall in Chattanooga, here's Wendell Berry from his essay "Drought (1944)", which, last week, I incorrectly suggested was written in 1944. (That would make him 10, one reader said.)
Well, if anyone could write like that at 10, it'd be him.
Have a really lovely week, everyone.

All photography by Sarah Unger (sarah@foodasaverb.com)
All design by Alex DeHart
All words by David Cook (david@foodasaverb.com)
Story ideas, questions, feedback? Interested in partnering with us? Email: david@foodasaverb.com
This story is 100% human generated; no AI chatbot was used in the creation of this content.